Convenings & Webinars

NeighborWorks offers webinars that focus on healthy homes and communities, particularly on the intersection of health, housing and communities. They provide best practices and evidence-based strategies to integrate health into community development.

Learn from experts about ways to build vibrant, safe and healthy neighborhoods, improve health within your homes, keep people healthy through their lifespans, and more.

Featured Webinar: Healthcare Financing Partnerships

Watch past webinars

What does it mean to age in community?

Aging in community means providing support for older Americans to remain happy and healthy and maximizing their quality of life in the neighborhoods they know so well. 

On Aug. 14, AHC of Greater Baltimore and Downstreet Housing & Community Development shared current approaches and national trends that integrate senior health and housing.


Building Communities of Opportunity: The Intersection of Health & Community Development

Through a collaboration with County Health Rankings & Roadmaps this webinar features tools, data and cross-sector models for community development and health organizations to collaborate. We share lessons learned from the Healthy Communities Demonstration Project and also highlight resources from County Health Rankings, including new data on the connections between race, place and health. 

Lawrence CommunityWorks also share how their partnership with a local community health center promoted financial security and economic opportunity.


Healthy Homes Webinar

This webinar highlighted promising practices to integrate healthy principles into housing and improve the health of residents at home.

Presenters discussed cross-sector collaborations with hospitals, federally qualified health centers, and other health partners to develop healthy homes initiatives. Topics included innovative design, building, maintenance, rehab, and in-home services. Panelists provided results of evaluations with demonstrated health outcome improvements and also share cutting edge financial strategies, such as Social Impact Bonds.

Healthy People Webinar

This webinar introduced innovative strategies to keep residents healthy with a focus on older Americans, individuals with disabilities and formerly homeless individuals.

Presenters discussed innovative programs that both increase housing stability and improve health outcomes for medically vulnerable populations. Presenters described how affordable housing organizations can coordinate with health care partners to strengthen service offerings. Presenters also introduced evidence-based programs to help older adults’ remain in their homes as they age and manage chronic health conditions. Local examples from affordable housing organizations in Austin and Portland highlighted cross-sector collaboration as a critical piece to increasing access to healthcare, reducing healthcare expenses, and improving the quality of life for residents.

Health Partnerships Webinar

This webinar highlighted the importance of engaging community members and building new partnerships with health stakeholders and other local leaders to improve community health.

Presenters introduced the County Health Ranking and Roadmap Program, a collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, as well as practical strategies to strengthen multi-sector partnerships with the health care sector. Presenters also highlighted the Sankofa Initiative, a collaborative in Rhode Island, which features a local health department, university, and community development corporation working to integrate healthy food access into affordable housing.  By providing multiple perspectives on one initiative, the presenters provided a deeper understanding of both the challenges and opportunities in aligning the priorities of the health and housing sectors to improve the health of residents.

Healthcare Financing 101 Webinar

This webinar provided a 101 introduction to healthcare financing for community development organizations. It explained the incentives and vocabulary and introduced partnership opportunities that have been created by new funding flexibility and financial incentives.

Understanding Financing of Health and Housing Webinar

This webinar provided community development organizations with examples of place-based partnerships as well as partnerships that support senior residents and population-specific partnerships between health and housing organizations.

View past webinar presentations

  • Sankofa Initiative — Andrew Cook, Southside Community Land Trust; Adeline Newbold, West Elmwood Housing Development Corp.; Georgina Sarpong, Fresh Food Rhode Island


NeighborWorks America plays a leading role in convening practitioners in the health, housing and community development sectors to create shared solutions toward mutual goals.

2017 Healthy Communities Convening

Use these presentations to highlight the connection between health and housing.

View presentations from past convenings

  • The Partnership Challenge — Charise Fong, East Bay Asian Local Development Corp.; Jeanne Pinado, Madison Park Development Corp.