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NeighborWorks’ FY2023 National Impact | |
Total investment | |
Total housing and counseling services provided | |
Congressional appropriation leverage | |
Jobs created and/or maintained | |
Customers counseled and educated |
In South Dakota, Native Coalition works to remove barriers
NeighborWorks America helps support a coalition in South Dakota, whose team, which includes network organizations, works to identify and remove barriers to Native homeownership. NeighborWorks America's 2022 Housing and Financial Capability Survey took an oversampling of Native Americans this year and found that while many seek homeownership, just over half own homes.
FY2024 Impact in
We are deeply committed to ensuring accurate, reliable data. For the origins of various data points, visit Data Explanations.
Grants distributed from core appropriation
Rental homes
New homeowners
Rental homes constructed, acquired and preserved
Homeowners with preserved or rehabilitated homes
Homes repaired
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