
Affordable homes for long-term sustainability
With the Montana Bella development, Trellis set out to fulfill it's mission to acquire, rehab or build new affordable housing in target neighborhoods and enhance community stabilization and revitalization.
Health, housing and education— the nexus
In the Hyde Park neighborhood, two closed schools and budget cuts for others left many children without vital services schools typically provide beyond education. Urban edge responded to the issue with a holistic pre-K readiness program.
Health, housing and education— the nexus
In the Hyde Park neighborhood, two closed schools and budget cuts for others left many children without vital services schools typically provide beyond education. Urban edge responded to the issue with a holistic pre-K readiness program.
Preserving affordability in a gentrifying neighborhood through community building and engagement
Blighted low-income areas in Houston offer attractive opportunities for developers, but luxury townhomes change the character of historic neighborhoods and threaten to displace residents. Avenue Community Development Corp's challenge is to help low-income families remain in their neighborhoods and enable them to participate in the community's revitalization.
Creating opportunity: Lifting home values in slow recovery neighborhoods
More than 90,000 homeowners in Atlanta neighborhoods still encounter blight and vacant homes in their communities. Those conditions call urgently for a scaled response to stabilize neighborhoods and recover lost wealth.
Building a leadership pipeline as high as Appalachia
To revitalize two struggling Pittsburgh neighborhoods by investing in people and leadership within those communities.
Creating neighborhoods of opportunity through affordable housing
Over the years, the 58-acre Fred Young Farm Labor Camp, known as "El Campo" and home to 253 families, had deteriorated into an isolated slum community with the accompanying ills of crime, poverty and hopelessness. In 2007, Coachella Valley Housing Coalition (CVHC) was asked to take it over.
Community partnerships increase service accessibility and brand recognition
To expand the scope and geographical reach of housing services through partnerships with community development agencies across western Pennsylvania.
Vacant bank building donation gives nonprofits room to grow
When a big regional bank moved one of its departments to another site, it left a sprawling office building in downtown Green Bay. After the building was donated to NeighborWorks Green Bay, it wanted to find a sustainable way to use the space.
Bringing new life to mountain communities: the Route 123 story
To rebuild deteriorating housing and employment opportunities in Puerto Rico's Route 123 Heritage Area, amid a crumbling infrastructure and shrinking tax base that have crippled the ability of local governments to meet needs.

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