Manufactured Housing: Blueprint for Affordability and Community Impact
Manufactured Housing: Blueprint for Affordability and Community Impact
NeighborWorks America
Manufacturing housing represents an untapped affordable housing resource in communities across the country. Constructed, developed and financed differently from site-built housing, manufactured housing represents opportunities for the community development field to be resilient in meeting the needs of their communities. A fundamental knowledge gap exists that prevents community development organizations from leveraging this type of housing in their existing housing and community development efforts. By developing tools and resources that address three areas of core competency (general information about the manufactured housing space, financing considerations for clients and development and acquisition costs for organizations) we can foster greater use and acceptance of manufactured homes. Ultimately, successful development efforts will not only generate earned revenue for community development organizations but increase access to affordable housing options for the communities that they serve.
Four NeighborWorks network organizations and one subject matter expert participated in the learning community cohort, contributing their expertise and knowledge to the content of this blueprint:
DevNW (Salem, Oregon)
Community Resource Housing Development (Alamosa, Colorado)
MaineStream Finance (Bangor, Maine)
Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services (San Bernardino, California)
Next Step Network (Louisville, Kentucky)
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