Course Details

ML321VC Culture Revolution: Transformational Change for a Sustainable Business Model

Transforming your organization to run as a social enterprise can mean great things for your long-term sustainability through increased earned revenue. But the shift in business model can entail profound organizational changes, resulting in culture shock as your organization adapts to new and different ways of work. This course provides a framework for navigating the ups and downs of change as an organization transitions to a social enterprise business model. The fundamentals of organizational transformation will be explored as participants learn what it takes to create a climate for change, to examine status quo and its implications on their business, and to communicate change to support buy-in with staff, stakeholders, and the community. Participants will also learn how to craft a vision statement that captures the future for the business as it strives to meet a “double bottom line” of both mission and profitability. Recommended for executive and senior management staff members and board members, as well as program staff of nonprofit organizations.

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $565.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No