Course Details

ML251vc Developing Successful Partnerships with Native Organizations

Is your organization planning to partner with a Native community or organization? Do you have a Native community in your service area that you would like to serve? Would partnering with a Native organization fit and support the mission of your organization? In this faculty-led online course, we will examine the ingredients necessary to create successful partnerships in Native communities. We will begin by looking at culture, the differences between Western and Native cultures, and the impact of these differences on partnerships. We will take an in-depth look at the history of Native America, sovereignty and federal trust relationships, and Native economies. Next, we will learn a step-by step process to develop an actual partnership. This process will include learning about the potential partner community, developing internal capacity, and conducting effective outreach. By the end of the training, we will develop draft partnership plans that are tailored to participants’ specific situations.

This faculty-led course includes self-paced online assignments, the use of peer discussion forums and live web conferencing. The course is presented in four weekly lessons. Participants should expect to spend approximately four hours per week on course related reading and assignments.

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $565.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No