Course Details

ML172vc Fundamentals of Sustainable Funding: Engaging Individual Donors

Nonprofit organizations of all sizes face the ongoing challenge of generating consistent income from individual donors. For many smaller organizations, this challenge is compounded as most do not have permanent staff to handle personal solicitation, and board members may not be fully engaged in helping to raise funds. In this course, we will explore how to develop an agency-wide culture of philanthropy, and the steps necessary to engage in individual solicitations. Through interactive activities and exercises, participants will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the fundraising culture in their agencies, explore current trends in the fundraising field, identify target constituencies, and explore the relationship between storytelling and making the ask. This online course includes a weekly live session, reading assignments, discussion forums, and self-directed homework designed to help individuals who are new to fundraising learn how to effectively identify and secure contributions from individual donors.

Course Length: 1 Days

Tuition: $565.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No