Course Details
HO285el Transitional Counseling: Navigating Relocation and Next Steps
Part of homeownership may involve transitioning out of a home. Many homeowners are unable to retain homeownership and thus are facing the need to relocate and make a number of tough choices related to their transition.
This course provides practical skills to housing counselors so they can provide guidance and assistance to those homeowners who cannot keep their homes. In order to support homeowners in making informed decisions for their situations, course participants will examine options and resources related to exiting homeownership, relocating, restoring basic security and rebuilding finances. It will also provide practical skills to housing counselors who are assisting renters facing eviction and help them assist their clients in finding suitable affordable housing. Referrals are vital for transitioning homeowners, and participants will identify referral sources and how to access them throughout the course. This course also will provide an opportunity for participants to consider service delivery strategies that fit their community needs and organizational capacity.
This self-guided course will help housing counselors to increase their knowledge of how to assist their clients transition as smoothly as possible out of an unaffordable housing situation and into one that they can sustain.
Course Length: 1/2 Days
Tuition: $280.0
Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No