Course Details
HO247vc Post-purchase Education Methods
This intermediate-level course covers the recommended standards in design and methodology for post-purchase education programs. The course focuses on topics that help both new and existing homeowners manage their most important asset – their home. These topics include home maintenance and repair, financial management and budgeting skills, insurance, methods for getting homeowners more involved in their community, early intervention programs to prevent delinquencies and default, and the pros and cons of refinancing. Learn how to develop sustainable, effective programs and recruit homeowners in your area to your classes.
Participants should be fully familiar with financial education concepts prior to taking this course. An exam is given following the course for those interested in obtaining a Certificate of Professional Recognition in post-purchase education training.
This 4-week faculty-led course includes self-paced online assignments and the use of peer discussion forums. The course is presented in four weekly lessons. A live online session is held weekly with the faculty and participants. Participants should expect to spend approximately four hours per week on course related reading and assignments.
This course counts toward initial NCHEC Certification.
Course Length: 5 Days
Tuition: $565.0
Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No