Course Details
ED101el Community Economic Development Principles, Practices and Strategies
This course is designed to introduce both the theoretical basis and practical application of community economic development. We will define community economic development, review the underlying goals and examine how the practice of economic development has evolved, including a look at some of the more prevalent theories and concepts. We will provide an overview of the various types of organizations that undertake community economic development as well as major trade associations and resources for information and funding.
We will explore the types of projects and programs that can be implemented to achieve community economic development goals. The course will expose the participants to an array of strategies and tools. Although affordable housing is a component of community economic development, this class will focus primarily on non-housing activities. We will review the fundamentals of several selected strategies such as business incubators, microenterprise development, revolving loan funds, social enterprise, commercial real estate development and business district revitalization. We will also look at some specific project examples.
Course Length: 1/2 Days
Tuition: $280.0
Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes