Course Details
AH256 Shared Equity Housing: Creative Models to Preserve Affordable Homeownership
Shared equity homeownership is a creative tool for creating vibrant, inclusive and equitable communities. Community land trusts, shared equity cooperatives and deed-restricted homes are models where the rights, responsibilities, risks, and rewards of homeownership are shared between the individuals who own and occupy this housing and an organizational entity that stands behind the home long after it is sold. These models ensure that homes remain affordable on a long-term basis to people of modest means by restricting the amount of equity that homeowners can remove from their homes on resale. In this introductory course, participants will review the most common models of shared equity homeownership, weighing the pros and cons of each model as a vehicle for promoting individual and community security, prosperity, and mobility.
Course Length: 2 Days
Tuition: $800.0
Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No