Course Details

AH238 Shared Equity Multi-Family Homeownership Models

Even in the midst of an economic recession, land costs in most cities will continue to push affordable housing developers toward multifamily housing. While some developers will focus on rental housing, many are also exploring options for multifamily homeownership, in particular ones that offer a high level of affordability, resiliency to market downturns, as well as promote a robust sense of community.

This two-day course will provide a detailed overview of four models of multifamily housing: condominiums, cohousing, housing cooperatives, and community land trusts. The course will cover the following topics:

  • Overview of each form of housing
  • Compare and contrast the legal structures and development process
  • Describe how equity sharing and resale restrictions can be implemented
  • Provide practice tips for development and management
  • Highlight points of commonality between them

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $800.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No