Course Details

AH010 Shared Equity: More Than One Way to Own a Home - Interactive Webinar Training

Homeownership – often referred to as the fulfillment of the American Dream – seems less and less accessible to working people today. The growing gap between wages and the cost of homeownership has eroded the buying power of households with modest incomes and low wealth, leaving the opportunities for wealth building and housing security to an ever-shrinking part of the population, further exacerbating this inequality. In response local governments, community leaders, and housing providers across the country are turning to alternatives to conventional homeownership to expand people’s options for ownership and to preserve affordability and access to places of opportunity. Learn about the details of shared equity and find out if it’s an option for your community.

This faculty-led webinar training will last 90-minutes and include resource materials, check and reflect activities, interactive polling, and participant Q & A with the faculty. A quiz will be open at the conclusion of the session which must be passed in order to obtain a certificate and credit toward continuing education hours. Participants can access the training site upon registration and begin looking at the available resources prior to the live online training session. Participants will complete the quiz and print their certificate immediately after the live session.

Course Length: 1/4 Days

Tuition: $120.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No