Become a Member

The NeighborWorks network has nearly 250 members in every state across the nation.

NeighborWorks America is not accepting applications at this time

The application period has closed. 

If your organization submitted an application, you'll hear back from us in early fall and before the calendar year has ended.

The resources below are informational only. We are no longer accepting applications to join the NeighborWorks network.

Informational Resources

  1. Take the organizational self assessment, which is intended to familiarize organizations with the requirements and expectations of NeighborWorks charter membership so you can see how well your organization aligns to the affiliation opportunity.  
  2. Learn more about the affiliations process by reviewing the application instructions and other key documents to better understand NeighborWorks charter requirements and expectations as well as how to prepare for and navigate the application. 

Application Timeline

Applicants will be notified if they are being advanced to the final review (in the last quarter of 2023). 

  • April 17June 9, 2023 — Affiliation application opened in Grants Portal.
  • May 15, 2023 — Applicants were strongly encouraged to submit part 1 early in the process, and NeighborWorks recommended submitting no later than May 15 to allow adequate time to complete part 2. 
  • June 9, 2023 — Application closed at 8 p.m. ET. No late submissions were accepted. 
  • JuneSeptember 2023 — NeighborWorks staff members reviewed applications.  
  • October 2023June 2024 — Applicants were notified in October and received an invitation for an on-site review. NeighborWorks conducted audits and on-site program reviews. 
  • July 2024 — Chartering new affiliates/network members. 

Application Overview & Instructions

The documents and files below are informational only.  NeighborWorks often provides application questions in advance to help organizations prepare. These questions may change when applications open again. 

The affiliation application has two parts: 

  1. Part 1: Submit required threshold documents. Organizations must submit documents, including three years of audits and a board resolution stating an understanding and commitment to fulfilling the requirements of a charter member. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit part 1 as early as possible, and NeighborWorks recommends submitting no later than May 15 to allow adequate time to complete part 2. Once the documents have been verified, NeighborWorks will provide guidance on accessing part 2 of the application. Threshold documents include: 
    • Certificate of Good Standing. 
    • IRS 501(c)(3) letter. 
    • IRS Form 990. 
    • Three years of the organization's most recent consolidated audits. 
    • Brief description of your organization's mission and work. 
    • Attestation to NeighborWorks charter requirements. 
  2. Part 2: Respond to questions. Complete application questions in Grants Portal (only available to applicants who submit the required threshold documents in part 1). The application closes on June 9 at 8 p.m. ET. No late submissions will be accepted. Application questions request information about the organization, including but not limited to history, mission, board, staff, service delivery, program budgets, production (2020 to current) and future of the organization in the following categories:
    • Organizational information. 
    • Organizational management. 
    • Board governance. 
    • Service area. 
    • Resource development and community support. 
    • Financial management. 
    • Program services. 
    • Lines of business. 

Affiliation Priorities

NeighborWorks anticipates affiliating up to five new network members in this current application process. All qualified applicants will be considered, and the application process is expected to be highly competitive. 

Priority will be given to applicants that: 
  • Align with NeighborWorks' strategic plan goals, as evidenced by the applicant's mission and impact with housing being core to the organization's work. 
  • Have a presence in geographic and programmatic/service gaps within the NeighborWorks network with special attention to those organizations serving underserved markets, Native or tribal lands, rural areas, and communities of color. 
  • Take a collaborative approach to the work, including partnerships with local organizations, state associations and national intermediaries. 
  • Have an intentional focus on issues of race, equity, diversity and inclusion in the organization and/or communities served. 
  • Resident and stakeholder engagement are foundational to the design, implementation and evaluation of work. 
Filling geographic and programmatic service areas are top priorities. For information about current network members: 
NeighborWorks Network
The NeighborWorks network is a network of excellence comprising nearly 250 nonprofit organizations across the United States, including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The network was born of the ideas and passion of individual residents who believed they could transform their communities. Local voices are critical to the success of the work of these organizations and their communities.
NeighborWorks network organizations serve diverse populations in rural, urban and suburban communities. Organizations offer diverse approaches to meet the unique needs of their communities and provide a range of strategic services. These include homeownership and financial capability counseling, residential and commercial lending, development of a variety of housing types (for sale, rental, new construction and rehab), post-disaster rebuilding, community engagement and resident leadership development, as well as community-based projects such as community gardens and revitalization projects centering on arts and culture.

Each NeighborWorks network organization benefits from our grants, technical assistance, training and other resources. Organizations are rigorously assessed against various organizational, financial and board governance standards and must maintain certain standards to remain within the network.  The network includes some of the very best community development and affordable housing organizations in the country which invest in results for the communities and individuals they serve. Our network focuses on collaboration through peer sharing and ongoing professional development so each group can improve, and the field as a whole can benefit.

For more information about the work of the network, please visit our Impact Map.

Contact Us

Email us if you have questions about the affiliation application process. Emails should include your organization's city and state, the organization name and the subject in the subject line. 

Over the duration of the affiliation process, you may hear from regional points of contact from one of NeighborWorks' four regional offices. The regional offices are the primary contact for NeighborWorks network organizations over the life of their affiliation. 







Community-Informed Strategies


Financial Health


Peer Collaboration


Analytical Management



Step 1: Take the organizational self assessment. 

Step 2: Review all instructions and requirements. 

Step 3: Begin the application process through Grants Portal.