Course Details
HO347vc Best Practices to Improve Your Foreclosure Intervention Counseling Program
This faculty-led online course will assist organizations with existing foreclosure programs and agencies that are starting programs in evaluating their program and identifying current best practices and tools that will gain efficiencies and provide effective services that meet the needs of their clients. Components of this course include identifying the key elements of effective foreclosure intervention programs and policies, identifying best practices and policies that increase productivity and efficiency for the program, creating strong and relevant program goals and clear and measurable objectives, identifying foreclosure intervention program tools that support the operation of the program, assessing the skills and knowledge levels necessary for all components of the foreclosure intervention process and identifying strategies to support staff and prevent burnout and unnecessary stress for the foreclosure intervention staff.
This faculty-led course includes self-paced online assignments and the use of peer discussion forums. The course is presented in three weekly lessons. A live online session is held weekly with the faculty and participants. Participants should expect to spend approximately four hours per week on course related reading and assignments.
Course Length: 1 Days
Tuition: $565.0
Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No