Course Details
HO214vc Design, Deliver and Market Your Financial Capability Program Virtually
With the flexibility and convenience that the online world provides, more and more consumers are turning to virtual service options. To meet client demand, it is important that nonprofits keep up with trends and look for ways to transition their financial capability education and coaching services online.
This four-week virtual course will teach learners how to replicate their in-person financial capability services and transition to provide them online. Learners will identify how to design both counseling sessions and online classes using the right virtual platform, how to effectively engage and teach content, and how to strategically utilize free marketing tools to attract clients and increase participation in programming.
Through live webinar sessions, online discussion boards and activities, learners will acquire skills and tools that will help them easily design, deliver and market their virtual financial capability program.
Course Length: 2 Days
Tuition: $565.0
Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No