Course Details
AM321vc Advanced Financial Tools for Asset Managers - Part 1
Previous successful completion of Financial Fundamentals for Asset Managers (AM291), and its test, is a prerequisite for enrolling in Advanced Financial Tools for Asset Managers - Part 1.
Upon completion of this Part 1, participants will be able to:1. Perform analysis of multifamily property using a range of techniques, including ROI, ROE, NPV and IRR
2. Calculate the financial impact of debt refinancing on a multifamily property
3. Analyze options for debt restructure, and understand the process for implementing the refinance of a property
4. Identify and understand a property's capital stack
This class is the first of the two-part Advanced Financial Tools course that is required for the Certified Housing Asset Manager designation. This course requires a test, successful completion of which is a requirement to achieve the designation.
In addition, the Advanced Financial Tools curriculum assumes that participants are proficient in the use of Excel.
This faculty-led course includes self-paced online assignments and the use of peer discussion forums. The course is presented in four weekly lessons. A live online session is held weekly with the faculty and participants. Participants should expect to spend approximately four hours per week on course related reading and assignments.
Course Length: 2 Days
Tuition: $565.0
Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes