Course Details
AM210vc Building a Property Deal Book as a Component of Your Asset Management Plan
This four week faculty-led online class will assist participants in developing a basic property deal book for one of their own properties. Participants can select one of their own properties or use a prototype property provided in the course. Over the course of four live online sessions held each week, participants will sequentially build the foundation of their deal book. The course will inform participants as follows:
- Review various deal book formats provided for collecting and tracking deal book data, and select the format that best suits their property needs.
- Basic deal book setup and the types of data that is most useful in a deal book.
- Anticipated property documents required will be a property audit, regulatory and/or loan agreement, limited partnership agreement and other property docs as applicable, such as ground leases.
- Participants will apply what they are learning through “homework” assignments as part of building the foundation of their deal book in between weekly sessions.
While the session is designed for participants to use one of their own properties, a full set of property documents will available in the class resources for the subject property that will be used by the faculty instructor as the presentation example.
Course Length: 2 Days
Tuition: $565.0
Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No