Course Details

AH248 Inclusionary Housing: Make it Work in Your Community

Over 500 jurisdictions across the US have adopted inclusionary housing policies. Meanwhile, campaigns for more and stronger programs are still gathering momentum. So what is all the buzz about? What are the goals of inclusionary housing programs? Have they proven successful? This introductory session will give you a solid understanding of Inclusionary Housing policies and programs. You will learn from best practices by dissecting case study examples of real programs. And because there is no one-size-fits-all inclusionary policy, you will consider how market conditions and other factors can be taken into account in selecting program goals and design elements, resulting in distinctly different inclusionary housing programs. Then you will apply your new expertise by designing a new Inclusionary housing program for one strictly theoretical (but isn’t it awfully familiar?) jurisdiction.

Course Length: 1 Days

Tuition: $400.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No