Course Details

AH240 Creating Partnerships to Advance Affordable Housing

Do you need a partner for the for your development project? Would your project benefit from a for-profit co-developer or a CDC team mate? To create special needs housing, do you need to marry a social service provider who can support your residents long-term? Has a public agency offered you a site provided you work with them to develop it? If the answer is "YES" to any of these questions, this new course will help you determine what your response should be to these potential opportunities. In this course, you will assess the kinds of development opportunities that may benefit from forming a partnership with a for-profit developer; service provider or local government. You will get the information you’ll need to evaluate whether another organization is likely to be a good match; review the diverse ways to structure partnerships, and learn how to be strategic in negotiating with a potential partner. You will also discover how to determine how a partnership might impact your own organization, for the better and possibly for the worse and the potential downsides to partnering. Like any relationship, a development partnership can be fantastic… a disaster… or something in between: This course will give you the skills and knowledge to avoid disaster and head toward fantastic. This intermediate level course is designed for executive directors, development project managers, senior asset managers and others who already have an overall understanding of the real estate development process.

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $800.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes