Course Details
AH121b Real Estate Finance Nuts and Bolts
p>This entry-level course introduces the key components of real estate financing. Learn basic real estate financial terms and basic principles of financing real estate. Examine the concept of loan amortization and the American mortgage lending system for rental and home ownership. Learn to use spreadsheets to make basic financial calculations of loan payments; interest rates; present and future values of investments/loans; and the APR. Appropriate for persons new to real estate financing and those wanting to learn how to use spreadsheets. Recommended prerequisite to AH221: Rental Housing Development Finance and other development finance courses. A basic knowledge of Excel is necessary for this class. Please be prepared to bring a laptop computer to this class. If you cannot there may be some available for your use.
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Course Length: 1 Days
Tuition: $400.0
Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes